Choose a greener membership – sign up for auto-renewal!

At AAAS, we’re working to defend the environment across the globe by training scientists and engineers to engage their communities in responding to climate change. We’re also committing to lessening our impact on the environment by encouraging our loyal members like you to sign up for auto-renewal. When you do, you’ll help us reduce the amount of paper we use in mailings.

How it works:

  • Help us reduce paper by signing up now to reduce future mailings.
  • We’ll email you a notification when your membership is up for renewal.
  • We’ll keep your membership active by charging the provided credit card number annually.
  • You are free to cancel your membership  or opt-out of auto-renewal at any time!

Your commitment helps us advocate for science in our society. Your commitment to auto-renew help us reduce our environmental footprint as we do it.

Please log in to access and update your auto-renewal payment information.

Have questions or need help? Get in touch.

Please contact MemberCentral Support by email at or by phone at 202-326-6417 or toll free in the United States at 1-866-434-2227 weekdays between the hours of 8:30 am ET and 6:00 pm ET.