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Here’s a fact that’s undeniable: Your past support of AAAS mattered.

From pushing for more government funding of research to putting more retired scientists in K–12 classrooms, you helped AAAS advocate for the place of science in our society.

Now we need your help more than ever. Rejoin today to help us continue our vital work promoting evidence-based policy and the value of science for all. You’ll also restart your subscription to Science magazine—50 issues a year of the latest STEM news and research from all over the world.

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Offer valid from December 1, 2020 to January 15, 2021 for rejoining members only.  AAAS members are entitled to receive issues published only during their 12‑month membership term. Science is available to individuals only as a benefit of membership. $74, the value of a one-year subscription to Science, cannot be separated from annual member dues. Member dues paid in excess of $74 are tax deductible as a charitable contribution.